sem | seo | ppc | branding | online advertising
Marketing Strategy
HyperGrowthCEO operates of the mentality that if it doesn’t sell, it’s not truly creative. Look, anyone can toss out wacky ideas, but if it doesn’t sell products and doesn’t help a client’s business, then what’s the point? You’re not in this to help your agency’s business, you’re in it to help yours. We build marketing strategies driven by outcomes. We integrate our lead generation strategies with traditional, print, online, digital, environmental, social or broadcast. Creativity leads to great results. So, crafting a campaign and marketing strategy, building the right message, and then delivering it to the right demographic is how we turn the art of marketing into a science that delivers results for you.
marketing in the digi-age
Technology is eating the world, and that includes how you reach your customers. We help businesses develop competitive digital marketing strategies from the ground up. The beautiful aspect of digital marketing is targeting and control. Targeting your ideal customer by interests, age, gender, location, etc., allows you to budget and promote your product with precision and efficiency. Often with traditional marketing, you purchase an advertisement and fingers crossed you get a good return on your investment. That’s not how we operate. We rely on data to tell the story, not gut feel. This enables you to see real-time analytics and quickly determine the effectiveness of any given marketing campaign. We leverage the digital marketing gamut to get you results: Social Media, SEO, Target Online Advertising, Content Development, Backlinks, Organic Captures, PPC, Google AdWords, and so forth. How strategic are your marketing efforts? Let’s chat about where your marketing opportunities are. Take advantage of a free marketing consult.
Marketing geeks
Branding Strategy
Your brand tells a story, let us help you tell a great one.
Marketing plans aren’t the only thing that needs a strategy. Your brand and business recognition is just as important, and HyperGrowth can manage your reputation for maximum return. You want to make your brand/business synonymous with the product and/or service you are providing to the marketplace. Businesses that have mastered branding have transfused their brand name into our daily language, where we now use it interchangeably as a generic term – to name a few: Jet Ski, Crock Pot, Chapstick, Kleenex, Ping Pong, Popsicle, Q-Tips, Scotch Tape, Sharpie, Relator, Velcro, and the list goes on. Granted it will take time to get your brand into a generic namesake, but if you provide a great local service – there is no reason your name, brand, and logo do not solicit sentiments of excellence.
search engine marketing
Content Marketing
Google Adwords, Facebook Ads, Twitter, Yelp, Direct Outreach and Prospecting… There are literally a million ways to market your business, but which makes the most sense for your business? As experts in marketing campaign development across the major marketing platforms, we’ll recommend and implement marketing campaigns that will give you the best chance of success.
Search Engine Marketing
At HyperGrowthCEO we provide many internet services, but none as essential as search advertising and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). We know a lot of acronyms to remember…the meat-and-potatoes: targeting and spending wisely. Google, Bing, Yahoo and the multiple other search engines love new content. By using formulas and crawlers to hunt the web, search engines find your content and depending on how it is structured, will index and rate your site (key to get further up on the list). Because we know how it works, we can get your website the online presence it deserves organically (non-paid). However, we do mix in paid advertising in a very targeted manner. PPC (Paid by Click) campaigns jump-start your traffic and provide valuable insight to those keywords that have the biggest return in traffic and conversions.