Content is only as good as the impression it makes. Reach your audience by engaging your brand on all platforms, social media marketing, content marketing, public relations, and direct engagement.
smm | Social media Marketing | public relations
Content Marketing
Social media sites and blogs reach 8 out of 10 of all U.S. internet users.
71% of internet users are more likely to purchase from a brand that they are following on a social networking site such as Twitter or Facebook.
Social Media Marketing (SMM) is continually progressing and adapting, becoming a powerful online marketing resource for companies and brands. Social Media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ can dynamically increase exposure and interest in your company.
Search engines like Google and Bing are beginning to integrate updates, Tweets, profiles, and comments into their results pages, recognizing the importance of social interaction. As the internet community grows and changes, social media campaigns and tactics have to stay one step ahead.
The tech geeks at HyperGrowthCEO has extensive experience with SMM and knows how to creatively design and implement effective social media marketing for businesses.

Social Media Management
The full reach of social media is a digital marketing secret. Do you see social media beyond… socializing? Usually, when people think of social media, posting baby pictures, awkward selfies, vacation photos, and the once in a blue moon political rant comes to mind. From a marketing and business standpoint, if tailored correctly, social media is an incredible tool. It allows you to directly reach and interact with your target audience. Not to increase your level of paranoia, but when you browse the internet, social media companies, search engines, and websites are collecting information on your interests and shopping habits to later use for you – a business. Using the data and resources gives you a superb opportunity to offer your product to people that are interested in what you do.
Our social media marketing services include:
- Identification and assessment of the target audience.
- Creation of effective marketing strategy and implementation.
- Regularly scheduled updates as well as news and articles as they happen.
- Continuous social media monitoring, including recognition and response.
- Sustained research, tracking, and adaptation to online trends and resources.
- Encouraging awareness and support within the blogging community and forums.
- Targeting specific keywords, phrases, and topics relevant to your brand.
- Utilization of analytics and data-tracking tools for strategy improvement.
results driven public relations
As a marketing agency built for the Digital Era, HyperGrowthCEO is perfectly designed for today’s rapidly evolving consumer and communications worlds. As a consumer specialist agency, we think all day long about how to build, engage and mobilize consumer audiences by utilizing designs that are ‘active’ in nature. The best strategy requires potential clients to take action. Sometimes, we have to take it up a notch and go directly to the client. Hosting public events, gaining media attention, hooking to a public cause, and community partnerships are all methods we use to connect and infuse your brand with a sense of ‘localized destiny.’ As always, we measure our success by delivering tangible outcomes for our clients to capitalize on those created opportunities.
Our Founding Partner, Shawn Spainhour, served as a Civil Affairs officer in the United States Army. Assigned to several oversee assignments, he built the most significant rebranding campaign during the War on Terror. Leverage us. At HyperGrowthCEO, we know the world of public relations and its evolution to social media marketing.
NEW ERA OF social media
Paid & Organic Advertising
Often clients overlook the power of a solid content marketing, especially social media strategy. Content is King. To take advantage of all the new algorithms, our team keeps active. Organic posts – free – is a question of volume and engagement. Paid advertising on social media is a matter of analytics and skills deploying a mix of retargeting, look-alike, custom, and data driven positioning. Book a meet with our team and learn more of the quickly evolving world of content marketing.
get noticed
Multi-Channel Media Campaign
First of all, if you don’t tell your story, someone else will. Effective communicators recognize the difference between “talking to” and “talking at” the audience. HyperGrowth positions clients to credibly communicate their product or service through targeted messaging to better engage key audiences.
An integrated approach to marketing is essential to success. In today’s age, traditional media is often forgotten. At HyperGrowthCEO, we do not put everyone in one basket. Generations have distinct tendencies and habits. What works for the Millennial Generation may be different from what works for Generation X. it is important to engage all audiences by targeting their modes of media consumption: print, radio, cinema, television, and so forth. One mode we know works well across all populations is public relations. Our integrated approach keeps your brand, mission, philosophy, product and/or service front and center on the tip of the market’s tongue.
We may not be able to launch a Tesla into Mars’ o
About Us
Evolution of Content Marketing
The market is rapidly changing, and the need to support marketers and developers with next-generation tools is at an all-time high. Brands have discovered that emerging new media platforms are ideal for targeting, monetizing, and engaging users on a whole new level. We’re helping companies build momentum and gain credibility within the business world.
The mobile space continues its astonishing growth and shows no signs of slowing down. According to
Book a free consultation for a public relations brainstorming session to determine if a solid PR campaign will help your brand reach new horizons. You have nothing to lose, just an opportunity to exchange some war stories.